A clean, pure & safe water supply is of paramount importance to a self-sufficient community such as ours. Adequate, contaminant free water provides the members with their drinking supplies, livestock with hydration and of course, is essential for successful crop growing.
Identifying natural springs and freshwater sources can deliver safe options for drinking water supplies, using appropriate and effective methods of water process treatment, the cooperative can switch from
In the UK it rains, it rains a lot.
Mother Nature provides a bountiful supply of water from the heavens and we need to use this gift to our advantage. Rainwater harvesting techniques now allow us to collect as much of this precipitation as possible, store it safely and using modern filtration equipment, provide us with a great source of quality water. Washing, cleaning and our regular visits to the toilet mean our water consumption requirements can be met by the rainwater we collect & store.
Using the facilities, popping to the loo, spending a penny, we all do it, on a daily basis normally, a routine part of human habitation is to efficiently and hygienically process our waste material. The Eco Tribe community will develop the necessary infrastructure to manage our waste in a sustainable and environmentally friendly manner.
Recycling & reuse of materials must become a core part of our cooperative living, with a near complete departure from the single use items & plastics so common place in our current society. Self sufficiency not only determines the approach we take towards our food & water sources but must also be consistent in respect to the bi-products created by our activities.